Enacted June 6, 2014
Kaken Geneqs Co., Ltd.
President and CEO ○○○○
Kaken Geneqs Co., Ltd. ("the Company") recognizes the importance of safe management of personal information, and that it is the Company's social responsibility to maintain privacy protection as one of the top priorities of our corporate practice. In order to ensure that this policy is properly carried out, the Company shall implement the following basic measures, ensuring that all of its employees are properly educated to enable proper handling, administration, and maintenance of personal information.
The Company shall comply with all laws, national guidelines, and other standards applicable to the protection of personal information.
Collection and Use of Personal Information.
The Company does not collect or use personal information of those who access the site without their consent. Even when consent is obtained, the information is used only for purposes that are agreed upon by the individual and the Company.
Offering of Personal Information to Third Parties
The Company will never provide personal information to third parties except in the cases where consent has been given or it is required by law.
Protection and Security of Personal Information
The Company has taken strict measures to manage all personal information in its possession, and prevent unauthorized access, identity theft, loss, destruction, falsification, and leakage. In order to safely and accurately manage personal information and prevent problems such as unauthorized access, theft, loss, destruction, falsification, and leakage, we conduct strict ID/password management, follow thorough rules with regard to personal information preservation, management, and disposal, maintain a robust firewall, actively monitor access logs, maintain strict server room access controls, and carry out visitor entry and exit management. These prevention efforts allow us to take immediate corrective action when faced with the risk of an accident.
Response to Claims and Inquiries
The Company has established a personal information consultation service, and endeavors to respond to all claims and inquiries.
Continual Improvement Policy
As laws and technological advances dictate, the Company will continually strive to review and improve its personal information management policies and efforts.